Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the DENZEL factory.

Export of Products

Export of DENZEL products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All DENZEL products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant DENZEL: concrete mixers, machines for welding plastic pipes, lawn mowers, gasoline and diesel generators, compressors, car winches, mini-washes, tile cutters, welding inverters and transformers, hoists, trimmers, pumping stations
  • Additional equipment DENZEL
    Additional equipment
    Denzel 555205/555105 , etc.
  • Welding machines DENZEL
    Welding machines
    Denzel DWP-750/1500, etc.
  • Concrete mixers DENZEL
    Concrete mixers
    Denzel B-125/B-160/B-180/B-200, etc.
  • Electric lawn mowers  DENZEL
    Electric lawn mowers
    Denzel 96601/96603 , etc.
  • Pumping stations DENZEL
    Pumping stations
    Denzel PS800X/PSD800C, etc.
  • Gasoline trimmers DENZEL
    Gasoline trimmers
    Denzel DZ-260/DZ-415/TD-1200, etc.
  • Hoists DENZEL
    Denzel T-1000/TF-1000/TF-500, etc.
  • Welding transformers DENZEL
    Welding transformers
    BX1-160C1/200C1/250C1, etc.
  • Generators DENZEL
    Denzel DB2500/DB3500/DB5000E, etc.
  • Compressors DENZEL
    Denzel PC 1/24-206/PC 1/50-206, etc.
  • Car winches DENZEL
    Car winches
    Denzel LB-2000/LB-3000/LB-4000, etc.
  • Washing machines  DENZEL
    Washing machines
    Denzel 58260/58265/58270/58275, etc.
  • Electric tile cutters DENZEL
    Electric tile cutters
    Denzel TSD 180 B/TCD 180 C-1, etc.
  • Welding Inverters DENZEL
    Welding Inverters
    MMA 141, MMA 161, MMA 200, etc.


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